
Born in Frankfurt, Aneta Ilić is one of Serbia’s leading vocal artists. Aneta Ilić’s career as an opera singer includes outstanding performances in opera productions in Muziekgebouw in Holland, the Ulriksdals slottsteatar Confidancen in Sweden, the Belgrade Opera, the Opera and Theater Madlenianum in Serbia, and others. She is also a member of the prominent chamber ensemble called Donne di Belgrado, with which she premiered numerous works by Serbian composers written for this ensemble. Aneta is a full-time professor at the Department of Solo Singing at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.

Alexandra Llorens is a French dancer, performer and choreographer currently based between France and Germany. She studied dance at the CCN of Roubaix, the Univeísity Lille 3 and the Folkwang University of Arts in Germany. Furthermore she learned Theater at the Conservatory of Avignon, as well as Visual Art in Sorbonne and at the Highschool F.Mistral. She choreographed her first piece in 2013 and since then kept on working as a professional choreographer and performer.

In 2020 she co-created with the multidisciplinary artstist Nils O’Swald the Flying Cats Company, in which they bring together their artistic research in dance, music, performance, and visual arts.

Maestro Bojan Suđić has been, for more than a decade, the music director of the Music Production Department of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) and the chief conductor of its two renowned ensembles – the RTS Symphony Orchestra and the RTS Choir. As a professor of conducting at the Faculty of Music, Belgrade University of Arts, he is also the chief conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of this academic institution. His artistic and professional career has been built upon a complex and rich repertoire consisting of symphonic, choral, opera and ballet music. He was the resident conductor of the Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm, for five years, during which he conducted more than 150 opera and ballet performances. Maestro Suđić has collaborated with a number of the most prominent international artists such as Maxim Vengerov, Vadim Repin, Nigel Kennedy, Ivo Pogorelić, Denis Matsuev, Nikolai Lugansky, Michel Béroff, Shlomo Mintz, Emmanuel Pahud, Placido Domingo, Željko Lučić, Nemanja Radulović and many others.

Boban Stošić graduated from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where, during his studies, he became the solo contrabass player for the Saint George Chamber Orchestra. For his master’s studies in 2006, he went to Norway (Stavanger), where he played for the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra until graduating. Since 2009, he has been playing in the Belgrade Philharmonic. He has been an active member of various chamber orchestras. he has also been an avid player in various musical collectives of different profiles and varying musical genres (opera, ballet, tango, theatre plays, studio recordings, TV shows, music videos, commercials, etc.).

Bruce Arnold is an American guitarist, composer and author.  His style is a synthesis of Jazz, Blues, Rock and Classical music.  He has toured extensively and has taught at major universities on the east coast of the USA, including Berklee College of Music, Dartmouth College, Princeton University and New England Conservatory. He is also the author of over 300 books on music education geared toward the serious musician. He is also the first guitarist to take full advantage of Supercollider, an object-oriented computer software program developed for digital sound processing, in live performance. The Los Angeles Times has said that “Arnold’s music never loses its contact with jazz and he deserves credit for his effort to expand the potential of the jazz palette.”

David Rosenboom is a post-genre composer-performer, interdisciplinary artist, author and educator known as a pioneer in American experimental music. Since the 1960s, his multi-disciplinary work has traversed ideas about spontaneously evolving musical forms, languages for improvisation, new techniques in scoring, cross-cultural and large-form collaborations, performance art and literature, interactive multi-media and new instrument technologies, generative algorithmic systems, art-science research and philosophy, and extended musical interface with the human nervous system. He has held important positions at California Institute of the Arts, Mills College, York University (Toronto); Center for Creative and Performing Arts at State University of New York (Buffalo), New York’s Electric Circus, and others. His wide-ranging work is broadly distributed and presented around the world. Rosenboom is a Yamaha Artist.

Described as «‎a composer of masterful craft with a genuine clarity and purity of vision» (Guitar Review), Dušan Bogdanović has developed a personal synthesis of contemporary classical, jazz and world music. His work numbers over two hundred published compositions, including a variety of commissions for solo guitar, chamber ensembles, orchestra and multimedia, as well as numerous recordings. After having taught at the Belgrade Academy and at the San Francisco Conservatory, Dušan was engaged by the Haute école de musique de Genève from 2007 to 2020.

Daniel Akiva is a composer, performer, and educator. He has earned international acclaim for his guitar and lute performances. Daniel has performed as a guitarist and lutenist in Israel, the U.S.A., Europe, and most countries in Central and South America. His repertoire includes works from the Renaissance to contemporary music. Daniel’s work has been awarded the ACUM prize for composition twice, and his CD “Hope” received the Amazon prize. In 2017, he was honored with the Prime Minister’s prize for composers in Israel. Furthermore, Daniel established the Music Department at the Wizzo Haifa High School for the Arts and has been serving as the Artistic Director of the Guitar Gems Festival & competition in Netanya, Israel, since 2006.

Daniel Akiva

Recognized as one of the Balkans’ finest violists Dejan Mladjenović performed with significant chamber ensembles, symphony orchestras and in recitals with distinguished pianists in his native Serbia, France, Spain, Norway, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, the United States and Great Britain. He commands the instrument’s entire standard repertoire as well as many new works. Besides his active career as a concert soloist, he currently serves on the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, as the full-time professor of viola.

Dejan Mladjenovic

Draško Adžić, DMA, studied under academician Isidora Žebeljan at the Belgrade Faculty of Music where he now works as an Associate Professor. His compositions have been performed globally at festivals such as Month of Contemporary Music (Berlin), Gaudeamus Music Week (Amsterdam), Biennale Zagreb, BEMUS (Belgrade).  He has worked with numerous ensembles including the Belgrade Philharmonic, RTS Symphony Orchestra, No Borders Orchestra, Metamorphosis Ensemble, and St. George Strings. Being a prolific incidental music composer, he participated in over 60 projects in Serbia, Germany, and the Balkan region. His music was featured at festivals: Berlinale, Locarno Film Festival, Berliner Herbstsalon, Neue Stücke aus Europa, Raindance, Ulysses Theatre Festival, Dubrovnik Summer Festival.

Professor at l’Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Feliu Gasull is a Spanish guitarist and composer, whose style combines flamenco with contemporary classical idiom. He has been part of various new music ensembles in Europe, North and South America and has numerous CDs and published works to his credit . He has also received many commissions, including Rockefeller Foundation’s for “Suite de Santa Fe” for guitar and symphonic Orchestra, Orchestra Symphonic de Barcelona “Concerto pour Orchestre”,  “Tonades” for voice and symphonic orchestra and others.

Iranian composer & improviser Golfam Khayam’s music is described by Al Jazeera as “Innovative art and a perfect testament to the universality of music.” Based on many years of her extensive research of the traditional Persian idiom throughout Iran and education and experience of the Western classical idiom, she has developed a personal language that reframes the two worlds of Middle-Eastern music and Western music in contemporary compositions. She has received commissions from highly recognized musicians and ensembles, and since 2016, she has been signed on with the prestigious German record label ECM records.

Marija Rašić is a Serbian classical guitarist concertizing and teaching in Belgrade. Marija enjoys performing new music, organizing projects and believes in the great importance of commissioning new works. Consequently, she has initiated two international projects which promote contemporary music and artistic exchange: Karika, as well as Guitarization, which led to the release of Marija’s first album with music by Serbian composers.

Versatile musician, active in classical, contemporary composed and freely improvised music, harpist Milana Zarić  combines orchestral and ensemble work with solo performance,  connecting the classical idiom to contemporary sensibility and new technologies.  As the principal harpist at the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra since 2005, Milana has performed regularly under top international conductors and soloists. As curator and performer in collaborative projects, she aims to create new bridges and challenge boundaries between the traditional roles of composer, performer and improviser. She was one of the founders of Collective for improvised music ImprovE2, organizers of regular monthly events in Belgrade between 2012 and 2015, with over a hundred musicians and sound artists involved.

Milan Milić (born in 1996 in Belgrade) is a talented pianist who received his Master’s degree under the guidance of Professor M. Đukić. He is also a graduate percussionist, having studied under Professor S. Palačković and Associate Professor I. Burka at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. Milan has showcased his skills as a solo percussionist, performing contemporary works by Serbian and foreign composers within the country and internationally, including in France, Italy, Croatia, and Montenegro. Additionally, he actively contributes to symphony orchestras such as the Belgrade Philharmonic, “Stanislav Binički”, RTS, Kragujevac, Serbian Symphony Orchestra, Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra, “Virtuozima” BEOM, and “Sonore” chamber orchestra as a solo timpanist and percussionist. Milan is also involved in teaching piano and percussion.

Milorad Balić was born in 2000 and is the first trained classical percussionist from Montenegro. He graduated in basic academic studies at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, in the percussion department, under the mentorship of prof. Srđan Palačković. He performed at several festivals and played as a member of many orchestras (Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTS Orchestra, Madlenianum Opera House, Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra, Academic Orchestra “Accordionista” in Kragujevac, Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense “Svetislav Binički”. He also had the opportunity to collaborate with prominent conductors such as Gabriel Feltz, Daniel Raiskin, John Axelrold, Felix Mildenberger, Uroš Lajovic and others. 2022/2023 He is the winner of the Yamaha Music Europe Foundation scholarship.

Nils O’Swald is a German performing artist and composer, working in the field of music, dance and video, based in Marseille, France. In 2023 he graduated at the University of Arts Bremen where he studied jazz piano, drums and performance. He took part in interdisciplinary projects at the biennale in Venice 2019 and at the Berlin fashion week 2020. Since 2020, as artistic director of the Flying Cats, Nils has produced three pieces and several video clips.

Pianist Nada Kolundžija is a dedicated researcher, performer, and advocate for contemporary world repertoire and Serbian regional music. Her solo and chamber music performances are known for their imaginative programs and outstanding interpretations. She has given over 1,100 concerts across Europe, Asia, and the US. Nada is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Gold Medal at the Global Music Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Music Artists of Serbia, and the Special Award “Aleksandar Pavlović” from the Association of Composers of Serbia for her lifetime contributions to the promotion of Serbian music.

Nevena Đoković graduated in solo singing at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in the class of Prof. Nikola Kitanovski, where she is currently pursuing her doctoral studies. She began her professional engagement 2017 at the Madlenianum Opera and Theater and the Terazije Theater. She performed in Croatia, Israel, Montenegro, and India. She trained with prominent opera singers such as Eva Mei, Jadranka Jovanović, Sanja Kerkez, and Marija Temeši. As an actress, she worked with Nebojš Glogovec and Sofija Juričan. She won numerous first prizes and laureates at international and national competitions.

Peter Herbert is trained as a classical pianist/bassist (Berklee College of Music, Boston, College for Music, Graz, Conservatory for Music, Bregenz, Austria). After years of successful ‚main stream‘ jazz activities, he is now developing his own voice in the field of improvised music. He leads a busy schedule with an average of 100 concerts annually performing throughout the world. Herbert is also a prolific and versatile composer, mostly commissioned by European orchestras and ensembles. Herbert was recently awarded the Hans Koller-prize as ‚musician of the year‘.This prize is given to a jury chosen person, who had ’significant impact on the Austrian music scene for a long time‘.

Sandra Belić graduated cum laude from the University of Vienna under André Navarra. She also studied with Daniel Shafran, Siegfried Palm, and Boris Pergamenchikov, and received musical inspiration from Mme Natalia Gutman. Belić has recorded for BBC, RAI, and Kitanihon TV (Japan), and was the first to perform concertos by Jolivet, Sir John Tavener, and N. Borenstein in Yugoslavia and Serbia. She has performed at various festivals in Europe, including Great Britain, Russia, “Prague Spring,” and in Japan. In 2010, her CD featuring sonatas by Beethoven and Schubert was released in Japan. Sandra Belić is a full-time professor at the University of Music in Belgrade.

Stana Krstajić graduated from FMU in the class of Prof. M. Azanjca and received her master’s degree at the Music Academy in Munich in the class of Prof. M. Henkel-Adorjan. As a soloist and chamber musician, she performed in the country and abroad. She is the founder of the trio “Donne di Belgrado”, the trio “Singidunum”, the duo “Diverso”, the duo “Floral” and the duo “Flutympanon”. As a soloist, she performed with the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the Saint George String Orchestra, and the “Skovran” String Orchestra. She was a solo flutist of the National Theater Orchestra and of the Belgrade Philharmonic. Since 2021, she has worked as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Music. In 2003, she was chosen as the world promoter of Perl flauti. She made numerous recordings for Radio and TV, published three compact discs and many composers dedicated their works to her.

The laureate of the « Concours International de Guitare de Carpentras », the worldwide recognized classical guitarist Vera Ogrizović has performed at prestigious festivals in Serbia, as well as in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, France, Greece, Finland and Switzerland. As a soloist, she played with the string orchestras “Dušan Skovran”, “Saint George”, with the Symphonic and Philharmonic orchestras of Belgrade, with the New Music Ensemble and the ensemble “Camerata Serbica”. She was a teacher at the Conservatoire Européen Supérieur in Paris from 1986-1988. Since 1989 she has been the professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. For her teaching results, she has been awarded the Great Silver Plaque of the Art University in Belgrade.

“For the first time I hear a fusion of jazz and tango that works and makes sense,” said world-renowned French accordionist Richard Galliano about the Tango Jazz Quartet.

The acclaimed Tango Jazz Quartet from Argentina features Santiago Villalba on piano, Ezequiel Vargas on drums, Martín Rao de Vita on bass, and Gustavo Firmenich on tenor saxophone and clarinet. The group captivates audiences with their performances and regularly tours worldwide. In 2012, they were honored as a “Musical Group of Cultural Importance” by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and last year the Buenos Aires City Assembly awarded them the title of “Ambassadors of Tango.”